What is the One Chip Challenge?


The One Chip Challenge has taken the internet by storm in recent years, with people all over the world trying to survive eating just one extremely spicy chip. In this article, we will explore what the One Chip Challenge is, its history, and why people are so eager to take on this spicy challenge.

The Origin of the One Chip Challenge

The One Chip Challenge was created by Paqui, a brand of tortilla chips, in 2016. The challenge involves eating just one chip, which is made with the Carolina Reaper pepper, one of the world’s hottest peppers.

The Carolina Reaper

The Carolina Reaper was developed by a man named Ed Currie, who spent years cultivating and crossbreeding different peppers to create the ultimate spicy pepper. The Carolina Reaper can reach a peak heat level of 2.2 million Scoville units, which is over 200 times hotter than a jalapeƱo pepper.

How the Challenge Works

To participate in the One Chip Challenge, a person must eat just one chip, which is sold in a single-serve package. The chip is coated in a blend of spices and Carolina Reaper powder, making it extremely spicy. The goal is to eat the entire chip without drinking anything for at least five minutes after consuming it.

Why People Take on the Challenge

The One Chip Challenge has become a popular trend on social media, with people recording themselves taking on the challenge and sharing their reactions online. Some people do it for fun and the thrill of trying something extremely spicy, while others see it as a test of their endurance and ability to handle pain.

The Risks of the One Chip Challenge

The Carolina Reaper is an extremely hot pepper and can cause serious health risks for some people, including vomiting, stomach cramps, and even hospitalization. People with certain medical conditions, such as heart problems or gastrointestinal issues, should avoid the One Chip Challenge.


The One Chip Challenge is a daring and spicy challenge that has captured the attention of people all over the world. While it may be a fun and exciting experience for some, it is important to remember the risks involved and to approach the challenge with caution.


  1. What is the Carolina Reaper? The Carolina Reaper is a type of pepper that is considered one of the world’s hottest peppers, with a peak heat level of 2.2 million Scoville units.
  2. What are the risks of the One Chip Challenge? The One Chip Challenge can cause serious health risks for some people, including vomiting, stomach cramps, and hospitalization. People with certain medical conditions, such as heart problems or gastrointestinal issues, should avoid the One Chip Challenge.
  3. Can you drink anything after eating the One Chip? The goal of the One Chip Challenge is to eat the entire chip without drinking anything for at least five minutes after consuming it.
  4. Why do people take on the One Chip Challenge? People take on the One Chip Challenge for fun, the thrill of trying something extremely spicy, or as a test of their endurance and ability to handle pain.
  5. Who created the One Chip Challenge? The One Chip Challenge was created by Paqui, a brand of tortilla chips, in 2016.

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