What is the Male Equivalent of Karen?

The term “Karen” has become quite popular in recent times. It is used to describe a particular type of entitled and problematic woman who demands special treatment wherever she goes. The term has become so widespread that it has even been recognized by the Oxford English Dictionary.

But what about men? Is there a male equivalent of Karen? The short answer is yes, there is. The term used to describe such men is “Kevin.” In this article, we will explore what a Kevin is, how he is different from a Karen, and why it is important to recognize and call out their behavior.

Who is a Kevin?

A Kevin is a man who also exhibits the same entitled, demanding, and problematic behavior as a Karen. Kevins are known for their arrogance, lack of empathy, and tendency to make unreasonable demands. They can often be found causing scenes in public places, berating customer service representatives, and generally making life difficult for those around them.

While the term Kevin is not as widely used as Karen, that does not mean that their behavior is any less harmful or problematic. Kevins can be found in all walks of life, from entitled businessmen to narcissistic social media influencers.

How is a Kevin different from a Karen?

Although Kevins and Karens share many similarities, there are some key differences between the two. For one, Kevins are more likely to use physical intimidation or aggression to get their way. While Karens may resort to yelling or speaking down to those around them, Kevins are more likely to throw objects or engage in physical altercations.

Another difference is that Kevins are more likely to operate in male-dominated spaces, whereas Karens are more commonly found in traditional female roles like motherhood and homemaking. Kevins may be found at the top of corporate hierarchies, where their sense of entitlement and lack of empathy can cause significant harm to those below them.

Why is it important to recognize and call out Kevin behavior?

Just like Karens, Kevins cause significant harm to those around them. Their entitled behavior can lead to workplace toxicity, abuse of power, and even physical harm. Recognizing and calling out this behavior can go a long way in creating a more equitable and just society.

It is important to note that calling out Kevin behavior does not mean attacking men as a whole. Rather, it is about holding individuals accountable for their behavior and recognizing the harm it causes. Men who exhibit Kevin behavior should be called out just as much as women who exhibit Karen behavior.


In summary, while the term Karen has become synonymous with entitled, demanding women, it is important to recognize that men can also exhibit this type of problematic behavior. Kevins are the male equivalent of Karens and can be found in all walks of life. Recognizing and calling out this behavior is essential in creating a more equitable and just society free from entitlement and abuse of power. No one likes a Kevin or a Karen!! LOL

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