What is the Square Root of 8?

If you’re looking for the answer to “what is the square root of 8,” you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we will dive into the world of mathematics and explore everything there is to know about the square root of 8.

Understanding Square Roots

Before we jump into the specifics of the square root of 8, let’s first define what a square root is. A square root is a mathematical function that determines a number that, when multiplied by itself, equals the original number. For example, the square root of 9 is 3 because 3 x 3 = 9.

Finding the Square Root of 8

Now, let’s move on to finding the square root of 8. The square root of 8 is an irrational number, which means it cannot be expressed as a simple fraction. However, it can be approximated to two decimal places. The square root of 8 is approximately 2.83.

Common Questions about the Square Root of 8

Here are some common questions people have about the square root of 8, along with their answers:

1. Is the square root of 8 a rational or irrational number?

The square root of 8 is an irrational number because it cannot be expressed as a simple fraction.

2. What is the simplified form of the square root of 8?

The simplified form of the square root of 8 is 2 times the square root of 2, which is expressed as 2√2.

3. What is the value of the square root of 8?

The value of the square root of 8 is approximately 2.83.

4. How can I calculate the square root of 8 without a calculator?

One method to approximate the square root of 8 without a calculator is by using the Babylonian method. This involves making an initial guess and then refining it through a series of calculations. Another method is to use the long division method, which involves dividing the number 8 by a series of smaller numbers until you get a decimal number that is close to the square root of 8.

5. What is the square of the square root of 8?

The square of the square root of 8 is simply 8, because the square root of 8 times itself equals 8.

6. What are some real-life applications of the square root of 8?

The square root of 8 is used in various fields, including engineering, physics, and finance. For example, in engineering, the square root of 8 is used to calculate the size of a circle that has the same area as a square with a side length of 8. In finance, the square root of 8 is used to calculate the volatility of a stock or a portfolio.


In conclusion, the square root of 8 is an irrational number that can be approximated to 2 decimal places. It is commonly used in various fields, including engineering, physics, and finance. We hope this article has provided you with a better understanding of what the square root of 8 is and how it is used.

Remember, if you have any further questions about the square root of 8 or any other mathematical concepts, don’t hesitate to ask a math expert for help.

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